
Our Commitment to the Community


HD Mining is dedicated to fostering strong relationships with Tumbler Ridge's residents, local businesses, and First Nations. We integrate our operations with community values, focusing on mutual growth and sustainability.


We believe long-term success in a region results from harmony gained through engaging and integrating our operations and team with the community. We strive to contribute to the development of a vibrant and diverse region and support its economic success through collaboration. Creation of local infrastructure, responsive to the regional need, as well as skills training programs will support the long-term success of Tumbler Ridge and an increased awareness of modern underground mining jobs as safe, skilled, and well-compensated opportunities in the future.


We've developed management plans and valued community component lists to guide our operations, ensuring the health and safety of our workers, the community, the environment, and protection for any archaeological sites discovered in the course of our activities.


Our Valued Community Components
Valued components (VCs) are "receptors" within which each phase of the Project may interact with that component. Potential VCs are identified and scoped during the environmental assessment process based on engagement and feedback from stakeholders (e.g., public, government, First Nations), and based on scientific/professional judgement.



Management Plans Supporting Our Community:
  • Construction Management Plan - Outlines the procedures, policies and control measures with respect to site preparation and construction.
  • Chemicals and Materials Storage Handling Plan - Ensures compliance to Federal and Provincial Regulation and minimize on site risk by adopting industry best practice and applying it to specific site conditions.
  • Heritage Management Plan - To mitigate potential adverse effects and to detail the protection for heritage resources (archaeological and paleontological sites) within and adjacent to the Project.
  • Invasive Plants and Vegetation Management Plan - To avoid and minimize adverse effects to ecosystem extent and function while trying to avoid the introduction and spread of invasive plants resulting from activities of the Project.
  • Mine Emergency Response Plan - Outlines response procedures and preventive measures that are essential for effective and timely management of an emergency situation.
  • Noise Management Plan - Outlines a framework for proactively minimizing project-related noise through identification and management of noise sources.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan - Ensures the safety of workers through training, monitoring, and comprehensive emergency response planning.
  • Traffic and Access Management Plan - Describes procedures and protocols for site access, traffic routing and management, and company policy with respect to vehicle and employee transportation and access during the Project.


Visit our website regularly for updates and information on how to get involved with our projects. Your engagement helps us ensure that our operations benefit everyone involved.